Aubry splashing water I love this pic its funny. Rylee having fun.
Aww Cute.
This is how she almost drowned cause she wanted to get in and out non stop.
Playing in the pool.
She loves to copy Aubry.
I took Rylee over to my friend Melissa's house so Rylee could swim with her little girl Aubry. Rylee had alot of fun, she also almost drown she fell in and went under and couldn't get back up at least she held her breath. After that she was a little scared of the water but she still had fun, she passed out right after I left she was so tired.
Dave and Rylee at the delicate archDave and Rylee The sun was way bright.
Me, Dave, and Rylee
walking out to the delicate arch
Rylee getting ready to go hiking
Passed out.
She is funny.
Me and Meggy
Rylee running all over she had so much fun
Megan and Jed
Me, Dave, Rylee and my friend Megan and her boyfriend Jed went to Moab last weekend we had alot of fun. The first day we got there around 3pm so we just stayed at camp and made tinfoil dinners. The next day we went and hiked to the delicate arch, it was alot of fun and wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Then the next day we went and hiked to all the other arches and this hike was alot harder and kinda scary in some parts and Dave had Rylee in a carrier on his back and it made me nervous. It took us about 4 hours to finish the hike and the last mile sucked it was all in deep sand uphill, and Rylee was sick of sitting in her carrier and cried most of the way back. But we finally made it I am never doing that hike again ha ha! Oh but the worst part about the whole trip is when we got home we realized we left my dad's generator there, so we had to drive clear back to Moab and see if it was still there. We thought for sure someone would of stole it but they didn't and it was still there I was so happy, cause those things are expensive.